• Image of Alchemilla Vulgaris Tincture

1:4 50ml bottle. Tinctured in organic brandy.

Alchemilla (Lady's Mantle, Dew Cup) latin named derived from Arabic 'Alkemelych'/ 'Alchemy. It collects the morning dew in its sweet cupped leaves. It is revered as a magical plant for this purpose, especially in hermetic alchemical work as dew was considered a marriage of celestial forces drawn down to earth. It is a wonderful herbal ally for people who menstruate. It's anti-inflammatory and anti-hemorrhagic qualities are indicated for excessive, heavy bleeding and prolonged menstruation. It is astringent and tonifying to the uterus, and has use for other internal wounds that require tonifying of the tissues (diarrhea, ulceration, hemmorhoids, sores)

It is helpful for those who have experienced trauma either sexually or with reproduction (miscarriage, stillborn, abortion) It helps to gently restore a sense of peace and body sovereignty if there has been emotional shock, fear or long term grief that has gone unprocessed. It helps dislodge shame and sadness associated with these experiences and enables a new relationship to embodiment.

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